Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A little experiment

Most of you may know this but if not - OUR KIDS SUCK AT SLEEPING! Seriously. Both kids sleeping though the night is extremely rare. Cole finally started doing it about 7 months ago, maybe a little less than that. But our problem with Cole has to do with getting him to fall asleep. For the past year or more, who knows at this point, Mike spends every night in Cole room with him until he falls asleep. I know, I know, that is a horrible habit and yes we know that but he was the first kid and that's how you learn. We have tried to leave the room or convince him that by us sitting on the couch just a few feet away would be fine, but that blew up in our faces and we ended up with tantrum after tantrum. So a quick solution to the problem was to get Mike a laptop so at least he was connected to the outside world while stuck in solitary confinement.

We have been talking for awhile that we needed to attempt to nip this in the bud. So today, after Cole got back from spending the morning with Grandpa Dale, I talked to him about how bed time was going to be changing and that since he was a big boy and his birthday was coming up, he needed to sleep like big boys sleep. I told him that daddy would read him a couple of books and then he would leave the room so Cole could go to sleep just like he does for nap time. I explained to him that at nap time he gets to have the door open and that for bed time he could do the same. He didn't disagree with me or argue. So come time for bed tonight, Mike did exactly what we told Cole we were going to do and Cole read books with Mike, Mike left the room and Cole feel asleep. No crying, begging or tantrums! We know not to get our hopes up but Cole is one of those kids that when he deicides on the change he doesn't go back. It also could be that he didn't get more than 30 minutes for a nap today but I am going to ignore that little fact at this time.

Also, we are starting our 4th month of a diaper free Cole and he still does not wear a diaper at night and he is still on record with a perfect score of no bed wetting at night!!! So proud of the little guy!

1 comment:

Esther and Brian said...

Awww...I am taking notes! :) :)

PS: did you buy Cole a little potty or the ring thingy? Wondering what works better for boys to learn...