Saturday, January 31, 2009

The waiting game....

The next two days will be filled with lots of waiting, watching, and a very nervous Aimee.  First things first - tomorrow is 36 weeks and 6 days, this is when I had Cole!  I was hoping to get checked at the Dr. on Friday to see if I was effaced or dilated but my appointment was canceled and switched to Monday.  I, of course was not too happy because I did not want to go into this weekend not knowing.  With Cole at 36 weeks 1 day I was 60% effaced and 1 cm dilated and he arrived 5 days later. 

So needless to say I am a little bit nervous going into this weekend.  Mike and I went to see a movie this afternoon, probably one of the last times we will be "alone" for awhile.  We saw Twilight.  Yes I dragged him to it.  But I have been reading the books and I LOVE them so I wanted to see it on the big screen and I did not want to go alone.  We made it to the movie with 10 minutes to spare before it started.  Got up to the ticket booth and asked for 2 for Twilight.  The girl looks at me "Twilight isn't playing here, it is at United, this is Century"  Ummm luckily United was only a 2 minute drive away so we made it in time.  Mike was one of 3 guys in the theater....

Also - I turn 30 on Monday....  No big plans for this BIG birthday.  We made the choice to have newborn right around our 30th birthdays so we will be planning a 33rd or 35th BIG birthday trip.  Possibly to South America.  So many options!

Hopefully I will be doing a monday morning post about turning 30 and being 37 weeks pregnant.  Two totally new experiences for me.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Preparing for babies arrival - lesson 5 - finishing touches

Helping mommy with all the last minute "nesting" 
Step 1: Raise crib

Step 2: Make sure all bolts are screwed in securely with trusty glove

Step 3: Determine whether or not the car seat will properly secure baby in, also clean out crumbs from when a little boy used to sit in it.

Step 4:  Make sure bathtub can hold up to some serious rocking in the jump-o-lene.  This will determine if it is ok to go in the bath tub.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Just because.....

He is so dang cute! He is having his sweet moments this week. I love those. He gives out lots of kisses, fish lip kisses, hugs, high fives, and of course snuggles.
With a face like this how can you get mad at him for pooping on the floor?

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I'm crafty

One of my new years "goals" was to learn how to knit.  I did.  I knitted a few rectangles when I was trying to get squares.  I have a bad habit of adding extra chains.  So I kind of gave up and learned to crochet instead.  This is my 4th attempt at a beanie.  I was some how adding extra stitches on those also, but this one is perfect!  Now I have to make a mini version since this one can't be used until next fall.

Monday, January 26, 2009

36 weeks - 3 weeks to go!

Having a pretty hard time sitting down and leaning over.  I keep getting a foot stuck in my rib cage.  Some major upset stomach and heartburn occurring which is not fun.  I am in shock that we have 3 weeks at the most to go!  It is so crazy how quickly this pregnancy has gone by.  I am scanning the house to make sure I have everything in order for how I need it.  So far things are looking good!  Next doctors visit is on Friday.  I still have yet to bring out the pregnancy pillow which is nice because that thing was a pain in the butt!  I can not sleep on my left side which is what they suggest during pregnancy for blood flow.  The baby hangs out on my right side so if I go to lay on my left side all the weight falls towards the bed and my stomach gets pulled down along with ligaments making things every uncomfortable. 

Baby Bump Watch

36 weeks pregnant with Cole
The last known belly picture from his pregnancy

Sunday, January 25, 2009

The adventures of cloth diapers

We started yesterday with the cloth diapers and I am happy to say that after 2 days everything is going great!  Not that much extra work at all.  And to top it off when I go stick the dirty diaper in the bin I get this big smile knowing that I am not tossing money into the trash.  Cole does not seem to mind the diapers at all.  They are not too much bulkier than normal diaper except at night when I stuff it full to absorb 10 hours of pee.  Then he looks like he is carrying around a huge load in his pants.

Cole is also starting to let us know when he poops.  He doesn't necessarily run up and say "i pooped" but instead he ever so slightly announces "I sta" (I stink).  You have to be paying attention to realize he is letting you know about the upcoming smell to enter your nose.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Baby stats - the game

Time for a little game!  Leave a comment with the baby's birth date, weight, length, breech or head down, etc...

So for all you blog readers, stalkers, commenter's and non-commenter's - please humor me and play along.  Please let me know who you are if you post under anonymous otherwise it's no fun!

If you don't know how to leave a comment - just click on comment at the bottom of the post and it will bring up a screen.


Here are some helpful bits of information for you to make an informed decision:

Due date is February 24, 2009
C-section is February 17, 2009
So if you guess anything past the 17th then you will be wrong!


born 12 days early, 6# 12 oz, 20 inches, breech - Feb 2


born 1 day early, 6# 10 oz, 19 inches, head down - Apr 1


born 3 weeks and 1 day (22 days) early, 5 # 4 1/2 oz, 18 inches breech - Mar 4

We all have single digit birth days and months involving the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4.  Both Mike and I are born on holidays - Ground Hogs Day and April Fools Day.

My guess:

Feb 3 - 21 days early, 5 pounds 2 1/2 oz, 19 inches, head down

Surprise Baby Shower

The girls from my worked threw me a surprise baby shower yesterday afternoon. Thanks ladies! They brought pot stickers, won tons, and cup cakes from Starbucks. All the good things I have been eating through this pregnancy! Cole opened up all the gifts because they were for him of course! His favorite part were the balloons.

Yes I realize there is no picture of the girls and I.  I forgot!

Preparing for babies arrival - Lesson 4- dishes

The art of washing dishes

Step 1:  Proper attire is needed when one plays with water.

Step 2: Scrub dishes well with all sponges, bottle brushes, and veggie brushes.

Step 3: Rinse well

Step 4: Pose for camera
This is Cole's newest FAVORITE activity.  He got is apron out of the drawer and he ran to where the step ladder is kept and waited until I got it out for him.  He probably played up there for a good 30 minutes.  He never spilled water on the floor intentionally.  I supervised from the couch with my face buried in the second Twilight book.  Yes I have been sucked in also!  The first 2 books plus the online first half of Midnight Sun, all read in a matter of about 12 hours total.  Close to 1500 pages.  Love those books!  

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

35 week update

Had my doctors visit yesterday.  Gained 3 pounds in the past two weeks...  At the last visit I was measuring small at 30 instead of 33 and this week I was still measuring 30 at 35 weeks.  So today I had an ultra sound to check the baby's size.  The baby measured at 32 1/2 weeks.  I have not talked with the Dr. yet but I will most likely be monitored a little bit closer now and up until the delivery.  The baby's head measured 34 week, the abdomen at 32 weeks and the femur at 31 weeks.  The "guess-ta-mate" on the weight based on calculations was 4# 5oz give or take 12 oz!  Ha!  So the head is still jammed way down in my crotch making it difficult for the ultrasound tech to even get the measurements she wanted.  Difficult already!  :-)  Other than that things look good.  Heart beat is good and it has all 4 chambers.  More after I hear from the doctor.

The life of a magnetic monkey

Cole has discovered that Monkey's hands and feet can stick to thing. These days Monkey can end up anywhere...

Riding the headless giraffe

Hanging out on the side of the fridge

Waiting on the dresser drawer

Suspended upside down on the vent

Or being chewed on by Cole

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The fight for Uncle Bub's attention

Both Cole and Onyx adore Russell.  Onyx follows him around all day long, she sleeps next to him on the couch and if Russell is camping out on the deck, Onyx will wake him up with licks.  Cole also likes to follow Russell around, bring him things, and talk up a storm to him.  So when Russell came over for dinner this weekend our house suddenly became a mad house.  Cole was showing off left and right, tossing toys, doing seat drops on the couch, tackling Russell, and screeching.  Onyx was trying to make her self as small as possible so she could fit in his lap.  She was basically sitting on him whenever she got the chance.

But then sitting turned to licking and kissing and then Cole tried to join in also.

Napping with Legos

Cole has never been the type of kid that will just fall asleep where ever he may be.  He plays hard and will go with out a nap if we would let him.  So yesterday morning I was editing some photos and Cole was on the couch playing.  Suddenly it was a little too quite so I went to do some investigating and this is what I found.  He woke up after the second flash and asked me "What is that?" and then went right back to sleep.  He made the transfer to his room with out a peep and was asleep for 3 1/2 hours.

Monday, January 19, 2009

35 weeks - 4 weeks to go!

Feeling pretty good so far this week.  Nothing to complain about.  Foods staying down, clothes still fit, belly's getting bigger, I am having a harder time getting up with out needing help.  Baby's moving around a lot.  I have been experiencing the wonderful feeling of the foot scraping the inside of the rib cage, which is something I can live with out.  I have a Dr.'s appointment tomorrow so we will get the weight and measurement stats.  I also have been called for jury duty this week.  I have to call for the second time tomorrow afternoon to see I have to show or not.  The best thing about the's gonna get me out of jury duty if I am called.  Woo hoo!  Plus if they try to make me come back in 90 days the I have another valid excuse - breast feeding baby!

So some things to think about now are that basically the baby can come at any time.  Granted there are actually 5 weeks until the due date, Cole came 2 weeks from this point I am at, so mentally I am preparing for the unexpected water breaking again.  I do have a c-section scheduled which is great because I know there is an ending in site but I am keeping my fingers crossed that the baby decides to make an appearence before that date because otherwise I will be a wreak the day before.  Do they honestly think that I am supposed to get a "good nights" sleep when I have to be at the hospital at 6am?  Seriously???  I would (will) be laying in bed all night with my mind racing:  Life is never going to be the same, Cole is going to freak out and turn into some sort of demon child screaming for my attention, we will over sleep or Mike will turn off the alarm on accident and all the other joyous thoughts that go through ones head when a life changing decision has been scheduled and at this exact time you will no longer have the same life as you once did.  So most likely I will be staying up all night trying to figure out what it is that still needs to be done or what I have forgotten to do.  

The next date we need to pass is February 1st.  That day is 36 weeks and 6 days....the gestational day in pregnancy that Cole arrived.  It is also the day before I turn 30.  So if I turn 30 and still only have 1 kid then we made it past the early bird but not full term / not early enough to be called a premie phase and we are on to unknown pregnancy territory, the last 3 weeks.   

Baby Bump
Getting bigger for you guys?!?!?!?

Preparing for babies arrival - Lesson 3 - food

Learn how to make food so mommy doesn't have to

Step 1: When making Pesto, make sure that you don't put the stems in the processor.  Apricots are also not part of the Pesto.

Step 2: Pulse processor until everything turns bright green

Step 3: Learn to make spinach dip and not throw it all over the kitchen

Step 4: the best part - taste testing!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

The potty is so last week

Well it has been a good run with the potty.  Cole used it on and off for the past 5 weeks.  On tuesday he learned to say "no" and since then he will not sit on the potty, even for candy.  He is over it.  I knew it would come to an end sooner rather than later.  At least we got 1 poop on the toilet.  

It's like he feels pressured now to use it so instead he just says "naw" (no) or "no" when you ask him if he needs to pee.  Or if he can get away from you before he gets his diaper back on he will run in to our bedroom and pee on the floor.  Thank goodness for hardwood!

Cole and I had the best conversation this weekend:

Me: Cole did you poop?
Cole: Naw
Me: Cole is smells in here, did you poop?
Cole: It's done! (grabs butt)
Me: Cole, I think you did poop.
Cole: I sta  ( I stink )
Me: yes, yes you do.

Preparing for babies arrival - lesson 2 - clothes

Making sure clothes are acceptable for the baby to wear.

Step 1: Pull out test pair of clothes

Step 2: Examine for any defects

Step 3: Test run - make sure they work correctly when worn

Old habits never die

January 2006

January 2009

Just a little bit less room....

Friday, January 16, 2009

Preparing for babies arrival - lesson 1 - diapering

How to properly diaper a baby.

Step 1: Place baby on changing table.  Then realize you are too short to reach so you move baby to time out circle on the floor.

Step 2: Place baby on open diaper.  Opening the diaper requires the help of mommy.

Step 3:  Figure out how to get those flaps undone so you can secure diaper on baby.  Again this may require help from mommy.

Step 4: Press those sticky things down really hard.  Volia!  Now you are finished, that is if you don't live in the Fredy house...

Step 5: get the roll of duct tape.

Step 6: Apply duct tape.  Now we are finished.

Next up - How to potty train a baby

***True story*** 
I was on the computer last night (big surprise these days) and Cole was in his bed room playing with Pooh Bear.  I think he may have been trying to undress him.  Anyways, I hear some noise and I turn around and Cole has placed Pooh on the changing table and is attempting to throw a diaper up on to him.  Of course being me, I get them camera ready and then assist Cole.  The best part about the whole thing was that Cole would not allow the diapering to continue without getting the duct tape...  He actually jumped up, grabbed the roll and held it trying to figure out how to get the tape off.  I get the tape torn off for him and then he slammed that sucker down right on the flaps.  Oh the things we teach our kids with out even knowing....  Yes I realize that the diaper is still a disposable.  The cloth ones have not arrived yet.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Cole's newest trick

He was pretty proud of himself for this one.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I am so impressed with our "progress" in potty training.  We have a long way to go with it but we are all having a fun time doing it.  Last night I got home from Curves (yes I still exercise 5 days a week) and Cole was buck naked.  He had been when I left but I figured he would of at least had on some underwear.  I asked him if he had peed while I was gone and he responded with "It's done" and pointed to his dinner table.  I asked Mike and he said "no".  So I ask Cole if he needs to pee and he says again "it's done" and points to his table again.  Then he stands up and points UNDER the table and says "it's done".  Sure enough, it was done, right on my floor!  So Mike cleans it up and Cole and I have a talk about where you are supposed to pee and not supposed to pee.  So about 5 minutes later we are in the kitchen and I look over to the fridge where Cole is and he is squatting down looking at the floor and what do you know, more pee.  So this time I take Cole to the potty and sit him on it and tell him again that if you need to go pee you come in here and sit down.  He laughed but would not get up off the pot.  I had Mike come in to supervise since he is not allowed in the bathroom alone due the the turtle/Motrin incident and I sat down to eat dinner.  Suddenly Mike calls to me and I get in there and he points to the potty.  Cole had pooped!  No warning, no hey guys I gotta go, and no all telling before poop farts to warn us.  He excitedly runs off to get some wipes and I notice a little turd stuck between his cheeks.   Ah the joys of parenthood.  So needless to say Cole was very excited about his accomplishment.  He helped to dump them in the toilet and then he waved bye to them as he flushed them down never to be seen again.

Extreme Concentration

Pointing out his poop 

Cole being goofy.  He now makes faces on command.