Saturday, January 24, 2009

Preparing for babies arrival - Lesson 4- dishes

The art of washing dishes

Step 1:  Proper attire is needed when one plays with water.

Step 2: Scrub dishes well with all sponges, bottle brushes, and veggie brushes.

Step 3: Rinse well

Step 4: Pose for camera
This is Cole's newest FAVORITE activity.  He got is apron out of the drawer and he ran to where the step ladder is kept and waited until I got it out for him.  He probably played up there for a good 30 minutes.  He never spilled water on the floor intentionally.  I supervised from the couch with my face buried in the second Twilight book.  Yes I have been sucked in also!  The first 2 books plus the online first half of Midnight Sun, all read in a matter of about 12 hours total.  Close to 1500 pages.  Love those books!  

1 comment:

Katie said...

MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you have fallen victim to the books also!!! No one is safe! ;)