Wednesday, January 21, 2009

35 week update

Had my doctors visit yesterday.  Gained 3 pounds in the past two weeks...  At the last visit I was measuring small at 30 instead of 33 and this week I was still measuring 30 at 35 weeks.  So today I had an ultra sound to check the baby's size.  The baby measured at 32 1/2 weeks.  I have not talked with the Dr. yet but I will most likely be monitored a little bit closer now and up until the delivery.  The baby's head measured 34 week, the abdomen at 32 weeks and the femur at 31 weeks.  The "guess-ta-mate" on the weight based on calculations was 4# 5oz give or take 12 oz!  Ha!  So the head is still jammed way down in my crotch making it difficult for the ultrasound tech to even get the measurements she wanted.  Difficult already!  :-)  Other than that things look good.  Heart beat is good and it has all 4 chambers.  More after I hear from the doctor.

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