Monday, December 15, 2008

Snow Day

It started snowing at about 10 am yesterday morning.  It snowed all day long.  It was so much fun!  Most of the time the snow falls at night and you wake up to a winter wonderland but not yesterday.  We got to enjoy it all.  Here are a few random snow day pics.....

Wouldn't you think that if the GIANT sign 4 miles back said All traffic being turned around 4 miles ahead people would actually comprehend that???  Apparently not.  The scene when I got home from work.  Living in the area you learn shortcuts to avoid such problems.  The idiots are the ones who can't read or don't think the sign applies to them.  Enjoy your 2 plus hour wait suckers!  That is 3 lanes of traffic backed up and attempting to merge into one lane and exit.
(click photo to enlarge and see it in all it's glory)

Our front yard this morning

Cole and I ready to brave the walk next door

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