And just like that, Siena is one. Where did time go? How did my precious little (tiny) baby turn into this chubby (but still tiny) little person? Her personality is coming though so much. She is a total crack up! She has 4 teeth now and more on the way. Her 4th tooth to come in is the upper middle left, which should have come in before the one next to it so she still has a jack-o-lantern smile!
She has her 1 year check up on Monday so I can get her weight and height then. We are also going to be discussing her allergies and hopefully making a step towards feeding her something other than the expensive formula.
She adores Cole and follows him EVERYWHERE. He is so patient with her but he does get frustrated a lot. She loves to give him kisses and if you ask her for a big kiss she will give you one. She loves to give high fives as well.
She is getting to be pretty mobile (post to come shortly) and she is SUPER active. She loves to be on the go and will surprise you by where she ends up!
She has turned into a great napper. She goes down for her first nap 2 - 21/2 hours after she wakes up. From there the nap could last any where from 1-3 1/2 hours! If it is the latter a small nap may occur in the late afternoon.
She is still obsessed with putting everything in her mouth except actual food. She could care less about big people food but she has been more willing to eat actual baby food these days.
I especially love the photos with the bear hat! Good luck Monday! Happy Birthday, little Siena!
Those tush shots are the cutest thing Ive seen. So adorable!!
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