If Siena is left alone sleeping in our bed it is guaranteed that when she wakes up she will have those little things at the end of the sting for the blinds in her mouth. I need to get them put up and out of her reach.
nana fresno
when I moved into my present home with similar blinds, I knotted those strings up very high, because I have heard of cats [which I have] and babies getting the string wrapped around their neck and choking. Just a thought, but I had to offer it because I care.
you are totally right! I pulled them up yesterday. I have a friend whose dog did die that way. I was more concered about her swallowing the wodden things on the end too. But they are no longer down!
Just a little peek in to our life in the mountains. We are a family who loves road trips, family time, and making fun of our selves. We have a little cottage in the mountains and would not trade it for anything! All photos taken with my Canon 5dMk3, iphone, Canon G12. Which ever one happens to be closest to me!
when I moved into my present home with similar blinds, I knotted those strings up very high, because I have heard of cats [which I have] and babies getting the string wrapped around their neck and choking. Just a thought, but I had to offer it because I care.
you are totally right! I pulled them up yesterday. I have a friend whose dog did die that way. I was more concered about her swallowing the wodden things on the end too. But they are no longer down!
Her bedhead hair is awesome!
She was totally sporting the kate gosslin hairdo that day!
Yes, I was just talking to my mom about how cute the bedhead was! Love it.
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