Friday, February 6, 2009

My last day of nesting....

I have this feeling (and I could be totally wrong) that today maybe my last day to nest.  I have a ton of things to get done.

1. make hooter hider - I have one from Cole but I want a bigger one
2. make beanies to keep my mind off of wanting to read Breaking Dawn - I am doing my best to save it for the hospital - I've got 3 days in there.
3. dishes
4. laundry - diapers, towels, clothes, sheets
5. grocery shopping - tons of pre-made meals from Trader Joe's for Mike to cook once the baby arrives
6. wash window - not sure why this matters since it is raining and it is supposed to snow on Monday, but I am grossed out by the ranch dressing finger prints on my windows.
7. pay bills
8. clean off the top of the refrigerator
9. double check that hospital bag it ready to go
10. clean office
11. clean out the refrigerator
12. clean out the freezer
13. go to Curves and exercise
14. make grocery list

I will be back later to update on what my craziness has done in a matter of a few hours...

2 pm - 

Hooter Hider completed!

See, I can sew.

Dishes done!
Snowball beanie done! (picture to be shown at a later time)
Laundry done!
Pay bills done!
Hospital bag ready to go!
windows done!
Fridge cleaned out!
went to Curves!

9 out of 14 is not bad.

Now I have to go round up the farm in Cole's room.  He just woke up from his nap and he is make horse and duck noises!


Nortorious said...

Yep, you're nesting. Here comes the baby!
P.S., nice to meet you.

Katie said...

what the heck is a hooter hider? and wait! no going into labor! i wanted to try and visit with you/cole one last time! :)