Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Baby Update

Well the ultrasound was this morning.  I was in there for 1 1/2 hours while the tech went over every detail of this baby.  He was a high risk ob tech so he knew what he was doing which is comforting.  When I had left this morning it appeared like the baby had gained about a pound in weight but I would have to wait until this afternoon to find out the exact measurements. 

At the doctor's office I received some good news and some VERY unexpected news.  The good news is that the baby has grown about 2 weeks worth of growth in a 3 week period however she is still measuring small at about 3 1/2 weeks vs 2 1/2 weeks which is what it was 3 weeks ago.  But that is not the major concern at this point.  The concern is that the ultrasound is showing her right side of the heart being larger than the left side which means there could possibly be some kind of heart defect.

I was sent straight over to the hospital to Labor and Deliverly and hooked up to the baby moniter to do a Non-stress test.  That test came out as perfect as can be!  So that is some good news!  Tomorrow afternoon I go back to the doctor to discuss the next step as well as schedule an echocardiogram to look at the baby's heart.  This will let us know for sure if the heart really does have a defect or if her positioning at the ultrasound was off and made the right side appear larger.

Based on these results we will then determine if the baby needs to stay in until next Tuesday or if she is better off out of me.  If the echocardiogram shows a defect then I will have to deliver her in Sacramento which is not something I want to do since Auburn is such a great place and it is so quite and low key.  But if I went into labor before and the baby does have a problem and I am in Auburn then the baby gets transfered to Sac and I have to stay in Auburn for 2 1/2 days with out her.  That is not what I want to do either.

More updates to come.  Everyone keep their fingers crossed!


Katie said...

Fingers and toes are crossed! :) It sounds like it has a good chance of being "nothing wrong" (here's hoping)! I was planning on calling my nurse job shadow lady to see about shadowing your c-section but I think I won't--it sounds like you will have enough to worry about without a stray person hanging out in the surgery room!

Petersen Family said...

We are thinking/praying for you both Aimee. Everything will be great!