Happy birthday to my wonderful husband!
Cole's first words of the morning - "I want chocolate covered raisins" These? "No I want the big one right there" Those are chocolate covered espresso beans. "Ok I want those". Who I am to deny him.
"Mommy I want to eat those big chocolate guys. Please let me have two of them." - Apparently he needs his fix again.
"That is wonderful." what is wonderful? "chocolate is wonderful" - Cole
6 hours was not enough sleep.
"Siena is being bad. I tell her no all the time. Now we have to get a new baby." - Cole
Can someone please help me lift my chin up off the ground. This tool alone is worth upgrading! (Photoshop CS5)
making tweetybird waffles
today I am catching up on blogging and editing. I am almost 2 weeks behind and it is driving me CRAZY!!!
"I see grandpa outside by your truck daddy. I need to get him a beer" - Cole
Getting ready to head over to Nicole Cotten's house for egg dying and pizza making! Cole is super excited!!!! "I go to my friends house to color eggs and eat pizza. Egg's go out side mommy"
t-minus 4 hours till lunch. House is a disaster. And we had so much fun last night Nicole Cotten's we forgot to dye the eggs. Lots to do and not so much time. And we are waiting for the snow to arrive again. :-) Happy Easter
It always puts a smile on my face when I see the words "pottery barn order confirmation" pop up in my email.
I find it interesting that as soon as a show was supposed to start recording on our "free HOB" the "subscription" suddenly goes away and we have no more HBO. What the hell.
and siena just pooped out her first toy. a small rubber ball.
hopefully waking up to snow again! Good night!!!
pizza's cooking and I am on my way to work! Dinner in peace and quite. It's funny how after you have 2 kids work is a vacation. :-)
"Please let me dream about poo poo and pee pee." is that all little boys think about???
working on a wedding album.
I forgot Cole had a bowl of cream cheese for his bagel and while I was helping him in the bath room she was helping her self to the cream cheese. When I noticed and ran to her she grabbed more and shoved it in her mouth. Fingers crossed she doesn't react! This will be the 3rd 2 week start over since trying to get coconut tested again. I swear at this rate I will never get a clean 2 weeks to test her allergy.
the coconut trial has begun again
attempting to put up a tent for Cole.
what to make for lunch. dinner is already under way.
So far the coconut trial has been a success! No rashes!!! So glad she wasn't allergic to the coconut!
There's only one kid in this house that takes the remote every where and when trying to figure out which kid emptied half the trash can into the toilet I know right away who to blame. Had she not left the most obvious piece of evidence, Cole would have for sure been to blame. Thank goodness she can't flush.
Siena can officially "fetch" a legoman. I ask her "where is a legoman" she goes across the room to the Lego tub and digs through until she finds one and brings it to me. She only grabs the ones that have hands still attached.
waiting for the storm to hit. It is so windy!
Coconut test run foiled by 3 year old and his juice drink. dang it.
How many of you had your tax refund direct deposited into your checking account? Does it bother you that the IRS now has access to your checking account?
Cole is yelling "I'm stuck Aimee" and then he is saying "Rai come help me!" He has been calling Siena by her middle name.
both of my sample albums arrived and they look AMAZING!!!!! Thank you Millers!!
"I want a helicopter treat" Why do you call them that? "umm, I just don't know, I just call them helicopter treats" Cole referring to the foil wrapped easter candies.
"It makes me feel better and now I will have more energy" Cole after pooping
"I want to see that big burp again mommy. Let me have your gum. I make a big burp. I make a bubble burp"
flesh eating bacteria and work should never be in the same sentence but that is just how the night goes.
Siena was whining and I asked her if she needed a nap and she took me to her crib.
How many 3 years old's say "Oh, that's cool" when you tell them nap time is in 5 minutes.
ordered new business cards!
Glee makes me happy
I no longer wonder when the next earthquake will be, just where will it be.
tonight is a blurb night.
I want a macro lens. No, I NEED a macro lens. Now how to I go about explaining to Mike that it is a necessary part of life?
A few historical moments at the Fredy house - For the first time in history both children slept in their own beds and did not wake up once the entire night! Second, Siena slept 10 1/2 hours with out waking up which is a miracle in it's self and the chances of it happening again are as slim as mike agreeing to my last post. :-)
business cards arrived and they look like crap. very disappointed at the moment. hard to believe they came from the same company that does amazing albums. :-(
the toddler headache sets in
so excited for the old town Sac engagement shoot tomorrow!!!
Tomorrow morning 10 am at the Meadow Vista park is a 5K walk/run to raise money to finish the community center. It is part of a Colfax high student's Senior project. All on paved road. Strollers welcome. Come out to support Meadow Vista and the community center.
Cole was describing the dog fight (really more of a cussing match between the fence) Onyx got into this morning to Mike (he was at work when it happened) and everything was pretty believable until he started talking about the vampires. Maybe he was trying to describe our p.o.s. neighbor getting bit by his dog. I would have paid to see that. I was in the house. :-(
Back from Old Sac. Had a great time! Now I have tons of photos to sort and edit! Caffeine please.
so excited to be editing the Old Sc engagement photos. Vintage look and feel!
The low flying terradactyl has officially arrived at the Fredy house. ear plugs not required but you may lose your hearing with out them.
editing, editing and more editing. When the kids sleep this is what I will be doing until July.
What did you say Cole? "Nothing, I am talking to myself." Oh, are you getting good answers? "No, I'm getting bad answers."
Just walked in the room to hear Cole practicing his "s" sound. He pronounces "s" like "f". He was saying "sssssssssssssssipderman!"
Does anyone know the actual species name for a mosquito eater because I am pretty sure that Cole's name is not correct. He calls them "fuzzy beavers". Let's just hope he forgets that name by kindergarden.
the thought of packing for a weekend trip is exhausting. Add in having to pack in all photography equipment for a wedding celebration and I'm spent. Can some one do it for me?
Poor Siena has another allergic rash. :-( no saw her eat anything she wasn't supposed to.
"mommy I need more food." Cole take a nap. "no mommy I need more food, I need energy"
One of the best things about having Grandparents next door is when you come home from a weekend away exhausted with a car full of stuff and hours of cleaning and unpacking, they take both kids for a few hours to feed them and let us get everything put away. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
74 degrees at noon. I love spring!
In the past minute Cole has called Siena a "sweet pea" and "little baby girl meatball"
i've given Siena 3 bottles with soy milk in them today. not one rash, no gas, no reflux.....yet. Interesting turn of events. Could she have outgrown the allergy already? And yes it was intentional. I like to experiment.
two 3 year old, a 14 month old and a 4 month old. I am so out numbered!
First thing Cole says to Dylan when they walk in is "Dylan, do you want to see my batman shirt? It is cool!!"
Mike went out side to get firewood and Cole locked him out. Cole is now playing dumb about the entire thing. I think he may have blamed the dog.
craving a trader joe's supreme ice cream sandwich. debating on if it is worth the 440 calories..... it just might be.
Siena has been begging at the door with tupperware so I will get her hail to eat. She spills it on the floor and Cole yells "Look what Siena did mommy" then he gets down and says "oh crap!" as he is running to pick up the hail. I am to blame for this one.
Love my 3 3/4 day weekends, every week!
off to target!
cleaning up from the aftermath of the hail storm on wednesday. How long will it take me to sweep off a 2000 sqft deck?
Siena wanted to get Cole up from his nap so I let her in the room. He woke up. Now we are out and Cole is still in there. I call for him and he responds "I am sleeping right now!"
loving this sunshine!
"mommy what is your name?" I don't know, you tell me "ummmm Mommy aimee e-bon fredy mestplay" Good job kid.
four things | nineteen
2 days ago
1 comment:
Hey Aimee I got a comment on my blog from Rachel B asking if she could have an invite to your private blog ... wow the way the world wide communication works hey ;-)
so her email is rachelbjorkman@hotmail.com
See you
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