Monday, October 6, 2008

And the next Fredy is.....

So the ultra sound went very well today.  Measurements were taken, my bladder was forcefully pushed while I did my best not to pee my pants.  Cole and Mike hung out in the waiting room until it was time for them to come in and find out what we were having.  

Well remind me next time to not bring a toddler who is mommy obsessed at the moment into the ultra sound room where his beloved is lying down with some lady doing something to her belly that he doesn't quite understand and yet he is told he can't be with mommy right now.  

Holy crap did he scream.  He screamed the entire 10 minutes when she searched around and called in the other tech for confirmation of what she thought the baby was.  In typical fashion this baby is also in the breech position so that is why she was having a difficult time determining the sex.  

While we were waiting to hear boy or girl, Cole chucked his raisin box at me and got even more angry.  So they announce the sex.  I smile and look at Mike and he is looking back with a confused look on his face because he heard none of what was just said!

I look at him and say.......


So all of you that guessed girl on the poll were right!  Uncle Randy has had his first loss in baby predicting, the chinese lunar calendar is once again wrong, and so are my dreams.  Needless to say, we are still in shock......we both seriously thought is was going to be a boy.


TayTay said...

i knew it was going to be a girl!!lol congrats!!

Melanie H. said...

I'll believe it when I see it! (or don't see it) lol
But...yeah! :-)