Saturday, October 4, 2008

19 months old!

I am 19 months old today!
Weight and length stats to come by the end of the week
I still have 12 teeth. You can see most of them in this picture.

There have been some changes this month in Cole's development. He is talking A LOT more. Saying things like water, Where's Dylan, and other little words.

He has all of a sudden become very private about pooping. Just today I went looking for the little guy and he really did not want me near him. He gave me a kiss and then turned and faced the wall. He then walked away for me and went into our room and hid in the corner for about 10 minutes acting very shy. Once he pooped he was talkative and cruising again.

If you tell him to go get in his chair for a meal, he will run over to it and get in and sit down. Or if he is hungry and feels we are ignoring him he will go get in the chair and yell for us to notice him.

He like to get praise after completing a task. He will clap for himself.

If we are not giving him our undivided attention, like while eating, and he wants it, Cole will do pretty much about anything to get us to pay attention to him. This includes destroying books, doing superman falls off of tables, or beating up the dog.

If you ask Cole a question and he really wants what ever it is that you are talking about he will respond with "Ooyayaya"

Cole has also learned to unzip his clothes and put things, like his sippy cups, in his pant legs.

This is usually the result of what happens to pants that are too heavy...

We also learned that Cole will not sit still to have glass taken out of his foot.
We had to go into stealth mode and wait till he was asleep.
He walked on the side of his foot until then.  He is a pretty quick learner.

Here I am a year ago
I am 7 months old
I weighed 18# 5oz
I can get up on my knees and rock but not quite crawl yet.
I have started to eat baby food in the past month.
My favorites included Green Peas and Brown Rice, Pear Mango, Apple Apricot, and Spinach and Potato.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Holy moly, I cannot believe that baby boy is 19 months old! Poor thing getting glass in his foot too :(. That wedding pic looks like it was in a very pretty spot, and i love the idea of a photobooth! You should remind me of it whenever I get married! (not for a while). ;) Umm I voted girl! I'm glad I"m part of the winning poll! I had a lot of fun baby sitting Cole and I'd be happy to do it again soon, and I cannot wait to meet the new baby!