Saturday, December 12, 2009

Picture with Santa

We had to go to the mall last night to get a new cord for Mike's mac book pro. While he was getting help I took Cole and Siena to the Disney store to get Cole a toy, "prize" as he calls it, to keep him distracted. We passed by Santa's station and I thought it was the perfect time because there was no line! So after we got the toys (2 Cars - Red - the fire truck & a race car called Kevin Shiftright #121) we went and got Mike (good news, baby slobber didn't cause the charger for the lap top to break. It was defective) and got into the roped off area to wait for Santa to return from his break. There were two sets of kids in front of us and a ton that ended up behind us. All these kids were dressed to the nines! Ties, red dresses, black patent shoes. Maybe I am just not one of those parents or maybe because I can get a great picture of my kids when ever I want it isn't that important to me but none the less our kids were the least under dressed of them all. And judging from the picture above the most miss behaving as well. But I wouldn't have it any other way. This photo is priceless. This was the second one taken. I think she erased the first one which had Cole all spaghetti like half way on the floor. The girl told me we needed to do a third and I said let me see the picture. I looked and told her it was perfect. She looked at me like I was crazy.


White Family said...


Kristen said...

Love it! How do the Santas still manage to smile during all this?!