Wednesday, December 30, 2009


When you give a baby ones of these filled with banana

They will for sure end up in here. They are WAY to messy to just be wiped down.


Anonymous said...

Please move those knives; they are causing me much distress imagining how quickly she could grab one when you are distracted for just one second.

The Fredy Family said...

Thank you for your feedback on the knives. I did not realize how close they were. However if you choose to comment on my parenting again you could at least leave your name.

Esther and Brian said...

I am waiting for my first Anonymous comment, too, Aimee! I know that it's coming!!!

You know, those Munchkin thingies never worked for my boys- just did not care for them but some kids love them so much...they would just make the biggest mess! Oh wait, the boys still make a big mess....