Now that Siena is mobil, she is all over the place. Getting into things, pulling her self up and of course following Cole everywhere. She just adores him and wants to go where ever he does.
Sorry for the washed out flash photos. My camera does not have a bulit in flash so I almost never use one but at 9 o'clock at night I don't really have much choice. I use my Gary Fong Diffuser on my external flash and I like it so much .
2024 home project recap
13 hours ago
looks like she has mastered the yoga pose downward dog!!! there is not much cuter than a baby in just a diaper!!!!!
Have you ever tried Luvs diapers? They may not be more expensive than the Target ones that she has on (I believe those are Target's). I bought those once and noticed that they were super thick, as compared to Pampers and Luvs. For us, Luvs is awesome- never had anything leak out, even at night when there sure seems to be quite a few "things" in there!!! Love your carpet, by the way...super cute colors and design.
Every brand I use leaks. I've tried them all! We are 99% cloth diapers and only disposable at night. If I can get her out of the disposable in the morning before she poops we are ok but if not, then it is up to her neck!
The rug is from Pottery Barn. I have an addiction to that store. :-)
Oh yes, I love PB! We were going to get a crib from there--until we realized that we needed two!!! $2,000 for two cribs was just a little much, if you know what I mean!!! But I do love the store, too. I would love to do the boys' BIG BOY rooms in the future from PB Kids. We'll see...or maybe just steal the look, huh?
It's funny how some diapers work for some and not other. I've had maybe two diapers leak and that was due to diarrhea but not otherwise. Maybe it's also the shape of the bodies? No idea!
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