Friday, May 15, 2009

Life in May

Life in May is good. It's warm. Spring is here although it's supposed to hit 100 this weekend. ugh! I am so loving that we had a spring this year. When I heard it was supposed to be 100 I was shocked. It isn't that time of year yet but then I realized it's already the middle of May and then I wonder what happened to February? That's right, I had a baby and lost my brain and all concept of time. Please forgive me if I forget to call any of you back, or return an email. At this point I am lucky I leave the house with under ware on and two matching shoes. Believe me I almost failed at both of those over the last few weeks.

I have been back at work for 2 months now. It really only feels like 2 weeks though. My work week flies by so fast with my new schedule that by the time Wednesday hits the week is half way over and I have one more 8 hour shift left for the week. My Wednesdays and Thursdays leave my head spinning. I never know if I'm coming or going. It's a guarantee that something frozen will be on the table for dinner. And when I say table I mean coffee table or computer deck since you can't see the tablet at the moment. At least Trader Joe's is there to help me through those few days when the thought of cooking a meal seems like the most difficult task in the world.

My son thinks he is a dog. Seriously. I am not joking when I say this. I know, all kids play "pretend" but how many of you have a kid that barks at the neighbors when they are walking by? Yes, my son barks at people. Just the other day a girl was walking down the road across from our property line and Onyx started barking at her from the deck. I took Onyx inside and when I came out Cole was barking away. That poor girl was probably wondering why there was a little naked boy barking at her. I am working on getting this on video. The barking, not the naked part.

Bubbles. All Cole talks about is bubbles. Bubbles this and bubbles that. Bubbles in books, bubbles on the deck. "Babules". Oh and he talks about balls. "A Baallll"

He has also mastered his versions of yes and no. It is all dependent on the given situation. If you ask him a questions then he say "shoe-r" for yes and "no" for no. If he wants permission to do something he goes over to what ever it is and says "Yah" and points to it. He also says "up please" to be picked up or if he wants you to get up and go some where with him.

Speaking of talking, Cole really wants to. He tries so hard to tell me about the "big doggie" on the tv eating the baseball. He jabbers on and on every time the Sandlot is on. He also likes to watch "Memo" (finding nemo). Maybe that's where he gets the bubble talk from. He likes the sharks. He tells me when the dryer has finished drying "It's done!" He tells me I love you in a scooby doo sort of way "eye wuv vu" and then he gives me a slimy kiss. When ever he falls down and hurts himself he cries "momma" and runs to the closest female.

When I get home from work on my night shifts he flings open the front door and runs to my car, rain or shine, yelling "momma" while Mike is left inside looking like he got hit by a train. Poor Mike, Siena wont cut him any slack. She cries almost the entire time I am gone. I get home, she gets handed over and she is instantly quite. It must be my ever so appealing mom smell. You know that smell of no shower, vomit in the hair, wondering if you remembered to put on deodorant smell, yeah that's mom!

Cloth diapers have become my life. I am either putting them on a kid, washing the poop off of them, washing them in the dryer or stuffing them to be ready to use again. I still love the diapers I just don't love the time they take at the moment. They make Siena look like she has gained 5 pounds.

We can't go anywhere in the car with out Cole screaming for some unknown reason. Siena rarely sleeps on the trip because Cole is always poking at her or stealing her blanket.

I wonder what life in June will be like.


Kris said...

I seriously LOL'd about the barking toddler part. Brynn does a lion roar she says 'ROAR I caught you'

I love this stage!

We really need to get together for a play date sometime this summer!

Erin and Garrett said...

stay cool in that 100 degree weather! up here they are calling for a heat wave this weekend...a whopping high of 74 degrees...I doubt it will even get that here makes me miss warm summers...