Last night I spent 4 hours awake with Siena. I went to bed at 7:15 last night hoping to get in a few hours of sleep before she woke up hungry. In between the phone ringing and Cole sneaking in to our room I managed to get some sleep...until Siena woke up at 9:30. She wanted to nurse, and nurse, and nurse. This kid goes on nursing kicks each day at different times so trying to schedule around it is virtually impossible. So she nursed until 10:30 when she then decided to vomit it all up. And by vomit I mean projectile spraying of vomit on to me and the back of the couch, saving a little bit to spray out her nose. After I freaked out for a minute,(this was my real first experience with a vomiting kid. Cole has vomited once in his entire life and it was over a year and a half ago) Mike helped me clean it up. Then the little princess was ready to eat again! So I let her nurse thinking I would give her the benefit of the doubt that maybe she just spit up (umm ya nice denial there). So she nursed for another 45 minutes. I am surprised there was any milk left at this point but there was because when I took her back to our bedroom to sleep she proceeded to spray vomit once again while laying down and it was directed at my face. After cleaning that up I sat with her in bed hoping she would fall asleep, but no she wanted to nurse again. I waited about 15 minutes still hoping she would give up and fall asleep but no such luck. I let her nurse again and at 12:30 am she was finally asleep and so was I. But 1:15 rolls around and guess who wants to eat again! Seriously she is a maniac! Luckily no more vomiting occurred however she did spike a small fever through out the night.
This morning I called the Dr's and they wanted me to bring her in since they don't like seeing any fevers in babies under 2 months of age. She got a clean bill of health, looks like it was just a small flu virus running it's course. She is also gaining weight well, another half pound, she weighs out at 6 pounds even. The doctor also wants me to put alcohol on Siena's umbilical cord to dry it out and that makes me want to vomit. I can't handle that at all!
I had my 2 week check up this morning. I am allowed to drive again! Yay for me! Even though I have no plans of going anywhere it is still nice to have the option to leave if I wanted to. I have lost 12 of the 32 pounds, so I have 20 more to go to meet my goal of losing 30 pounds by May. We will see how it goes. Losing the weight is hard for me because I am so used to eating what ever I want with no worry and that is not the case when you want to lose weight. As soon as I can exercise again I plan on getting back to curves and maybe doing some at home videos also.
I am exhausted, not from the all nighter, but from Cole and his newest behavior. He is throwing everything in sight. It doesn't matter what it is, his food, his toys, his music table, the phone, the remote, our shoes, etc... it all gets tossed in any direction at any time. I also spend all day keeping him from hurting Siena. Sure he has his sweet moments of wanting to give her kisses and hugs, but the rest of the time I am shielding her head from him. The only way to have her safe in the house is in the crib in our room, with the baby gate up so Cole can't get in the room. If he does, he is throwing things in the crib. I don't want to leaver her locked up all day in the crib, but at the same time it is hard to manage Cole and her together.
Cole is resisting time outs also. It took us 15 minutes tonight to get Cole to stay in his time out for 1 minute. It is seriously exhausting. He thinks time outs are funny.... I can only guess that the little guy is frustrated with losing some of the attention and he does not know how to deal with it or explain it to us.
On the bright side, Cole woke up from his nap this afternoon asking for me to make him a salad. He can be such a weirdo.
1 comment:
There are many things thrown in our house as well. Sometimes at us, the wall, but mostly lilly and drew throw things at each other. Beware of the surprise attack where a rock hard monster truck or musical instrument clocks you in the back of the head.
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