Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Maybe this is why Cole is sleeping on the kitchen floor...

A moose is asleep. He is dreaming of moose drinks.
A goose is asleep. He is dreaming of goose drinks.
That's well and good when a moose dreams of moose juice.
And nothing goes wrong when a goose dreams of goose juice.
But it isn't too good when a moose and a goose start dreaming they're drinking the other one's juice.
Moose juice, not goose juice, is juice for a moose. And goose juice, not moose juice, is juice for a goose.
So, when moose gets a mouthful of juices of goose's, they always fall out of their beds screaming screams
I'm warning you now! Never drink in your dreams.

If that was the last thing I heard before I fell asleep, I might be disoriented also and think the kitchen floor looked like a nice place to sleep.

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