One month ago Siena arrived in to our world and I can't imagine life with out her. She is just the sweetest little girl who hardly made a peep until today. The most she had cried in her life was the day she was born so I think to honor that one month birthday she has chosen to nurse non stop all day long and cry if I set her down in the crib or the swing. As soon as she is picked up her little lips pucker up and her head starts swinging looking for anything to latch on to.
She has gained 2 pounds and 1 ounce from her birth weight bringing her up to 6 pounds and 14 1/2 ounces. She grew 1 3/4 inches taking her from 17 to 18 3/4. The few preemie clothes that we had for her, have gone into storage as she is now too long for them. She is still in the newborn size clothes and swimming in her 0-3 month outfits.
Siena is becoming more alert these days and she seems to be awake more during the day. She naps in the morning after waking up to eat (which she has also been doing all night so I don't understand how she can be hungry). She naps again after she wakes up to eat and check things out for awhile. Pretty much naps a lot. We have not put her on a strict schedule yet because she is still sleeping a lot. Eventually I plan on getting her on to a napping schedule where one of her naps will be at the same time as Coles. Wish me luck with that one!
She has the cutest spiky baby hair that gets very soft after baths. So far she has enjoyed her baths with out complaint.
Siena loves to nurse. She nurses all the time. So much that it will cause her to spit up / projectile vomit depending on how much she has OVER consumed. She knows when I enter the room too. We can put her to bed and then leave the room. If Mike's goes back in to get into bed she stays asleep. When I enter the room, quietly I might add, she starts making the eh,eh, eh sounds and the lips start smacking. I lay in bed ignoring her for a little bit, hoping she will forget about me and fall asleep but that has yet to happen. So needless to say, I don't get to actually go to sleep till almost 11. Thank goodness for nursing on your side. I think this is the only way I can actually get some sleep and make it through the day.
We started Siena in cloth diapers 2 days ago and she seems to be doing well with them even though they are huge on her.
Over all Siena has done amazing this first month. She fits in perfectly in to our family (Cole might not think so) and we are so grateful to have her in our life.
Katie and Aimee say awwwwwww. (AH says turtle mouth!)^_^ So cute!
Can't Believe its already been a MONTH! Where does the time go?
Brynn used to eat till she puked too...silly girls
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