Tuesday, April 6, 2010

More words

Siena now has 5 words! She says "mama" "dada" "nigh nigh" "no" and today she said dog "da-gh" She pointed to Onyx when she said it so I know she meant it. Cole's first word was "dog". At least she said "mama" first. :-)


Esther and Brian said...

Good!!!! She's doing great...did I tell you, I don't remember, sorry, that we started speech therapy 3 weeks ago? I like it, I think the boys are getting better and better. Especially P...E still needs more time..but I keep thinking about what you said with Cole- 2 years of age, right? And now he talks great, so....:)

Go Siena!

The Fredy Family said...

Yeah, Cole's Doc mentioned speech therapy if he didn't improve. He had like 5 words at 2 that were understandable. At 30 months he was still had to understand and now he is an insane talker. He knows so much more than I expected out of a 3 year old. He uses 2 adjectives to describe things, I mean it is a night and day difference from 6 months ago. Was he behind, probably, but we didn't worry about it and now you would never know! Glad to know the therapy is helping the boys!

Esther and Brian said...

Thanks! If it were not through the state because of their "preemie baby" evaluation, we would not do it, trust me! It would be $275 per child per session weekly!!!!!!!!