Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Siena has been diagnosed with torticollis. Basically her left side of her neck has shortened muscles most likely due to the inter utero growth retardation and the lack of room to move around inside of me. She has always had a slight head tilt that but this past weekend (photo) it was very obvious that something was wrong. After meeting with her doctor yesterday she sent a referral to a pediatric physical therapist. I have an appointment set up for the 28th (not soon enough to my liking). We will learn stretches and massages for her neck. Success in treating it is pretty common since it is being caught early.

This diagnosis actually has helped to clear up some of Seina's behavior. For the past few weeks she has been refusing to nurse on my right side. It was on a off but this past weekend she was really putting up a fight. I could not figure out why but it makes sense now. The position was causing her the strain her neck the opposite direction with of course was painful for her. I am just so happy I know why she was upset. It isn't fun to not know how to help your baby.

So I will update more once we get to physical therapy. I plan on at least massaging her neck until then to see if it helps relieve any pain.


Kris said...

Wow I have never heard of anything like that! Its great you caught it early and it sounds like you are in good hands.

Erin and Garrett said...

Poor Siena, Im sorry you guys are dealing with this. I hope the PT helps! any improvement yet with your massaging?