Sunday, September 13, 2009


Last year Onyx was the foxtail queen. I think it was like 4 different foxtail episodes. Well this spring/summer is basically over and Onyx only had 1 close call with a foxtail.....let's just say I caught it before it did any damage but I only noticed something was wrong because she was scooting....yuck!

Well this year it is Cole who has had to battle the foxtails. On Friday Grandpa & Grandma Fredy and Hank (the dog) arrived back home from being up at the property. Cole was super excited to see Hank and started trying to boss him around. I was in the house and the phone rang. I turned back around and Cole was gone. I ran outside calling for him. Suddenly I heard him crying and yelling "mama". It was coming from the back of our house. I ran back there and saw Cole running as fast as he could, tears streaming down his face, calling my name. I looked down and he was grabbing at his feet. The little guy had no shoes on and only socks. Well the back part of our property has not received much love this year and so it is pretty much weeds. As you can see from this photo the foxtails had stuck in his socks and were poking at his feet.

Foxtails show no mercy. I got those socks off as fast as I could. Luckily there weren't too many bristles stuck in his feet. I asked him why he ran back there and he said "hank go" I said did Hank go home? Cole said in a very pathetic voice "yeah, Hank gone."

The back of our property has a gate that connects up to Grandma and Grandpa's property and Hank was just doing his rounds.