Tuesday, August 5, 2008

A unique taste

A lot of you out there know about our struggle to get Cole to eat.  He has always been difficult when it came to solid foods.  I have now discovered the secret to getting him to eat...
I have to feed him the most obscure items I can find.  Yesterday he voluntarily ate smoked salmon dip and dill pickles and even asked for more!  For dinner he ate combination pizza.  What 17 month old eats like that?  I know adults that wont eat any of those things.  Yet I can not get him to eat chicken (unless is comes from a chinese food restaurant or is dipped in honey mustard dressing from Quiznos), french fries (not the fast food crap) but good homemade fries, pasta of any kind, or peanut butter and jelly.  I am about ready to give up....

1 comment:

Matthews Mayhem said...

It is unbelievable to me that you of all people has a picky eater with all of the good stuff you eat!