Monday, August 4, 2008

17 Months

I am 17 months old today.
I am 24# 3oz and 33 inches tall.
I wear a size 6-6 1/2 shoe and size 18-24 month clothes.
I have 12 teeth.

Foods I like:
Banana - sometimes 3 a day and I have to hold on to it by the base, peel on please
cereal bars in the wrapper
fruit - any kind
Sun dried tomato basil humus and flat bread

putting shoes on other peoples feet

turning off the tv

point out various body parts
bellybutton (or beebo)


Nose - I have 2 different ways to show you my nose.

The polite way

The typical boy way

playing with Onyx and the hose

Napping habits: 
I sleep anywhere from 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 hours

Sleeping at night:
I don't, unless I am in mom and dad's bed.  I wake up to the sound of a mouse farting and then cry until I go to their bed.

One year ago:
I was 15# and 24 1/2 inches.
Very bald, nothing like the flowing locks I have now.
I did not nap longer than about 20 minutes unless on my mommy.