Tuesday, March 25, 2008


I don't understand why my mom took away my music table.
I haven't done anything to suggest that
I can't be trusted playing with it.


Matthews Mayhem said...

Don't the legs come off of it? Ours did. Since now he can not be trusted!! :-)

Petersen Family said...

So weird how Cole, Drew, and Lilly have this magic voice that tells them to do the same weird things with the toys in their house. Prediction....Cole will be jumping/falling out of his crib in the next two months.

JCW said...

Do you tell them to stop or go get the camera? It's a tough call. At least he can entertain himself pretty well!

The Fredy Family said...

Actually that is the view I see sitting from my computer, so the camera was right next to me. After I took the picture I told him he was gonna lose his new found climbing table if he didn't stop. he has only tried one more time.