Monday, April 14, 2008

Furball of the century

So the cute little black lab that used to be our one and only child until Cole came along proved to us today why she is still our precious furball.  We were sitting on the couch watching tv when all of a sudden a black flash shot past the window.  I jumped up to see who she was going after, assuming it was another deer.  As I make my way back to our room, I hear Mike cracking up.  I yell "what is it?"  he yells back "She's chasing a butterfly!", as she shoots past the window again.  

I love that dog.  

1 comment:

Petersen Family said...

That is such an adorable kind of makes me want to get one, except can I skip the potty training, whining, biting on furniture, biting on kids fingers? It's kind of like...can I skip being pregnant and the first 2 months? Is that mean? I am not a bad mom...I promise.